Has a love of basking in the sun during your youth finally caught up to you, leaving you with unwanted pigmentation, dark spots or other signs of aging? Although you cannot travel back in time and warn your younger self the risks of sunbathing, with Sciton’s BBL HERO treatment you can quickly and easily diminish telltale signs of sun exposure.
Now with High Energy Rapid Output™ (HERO) technology, Sciton’s BBL treatment provides tonal and textural improvements anywhere on your body, from head to toe. Dr. Mark Schwartz offers you the opportunity to see your skin in a totally new light with this breakthrough technology.
How Does BBL HERO Treatment Work?

BBL HERO harnesses the power of broadband light, which is considered the gold standard of intense pulsed light (IPL) therapy. During a BBL HERO treatment with Forever Body™ or Forever Young™ technology, quick pulses of light are directed through the upper layers of the skin at pigmented or vascular lesions. The pigment in the lesion absorbs the light, and biological processes destroy this target. Within days, the body naturally removes the pigmented cells, replacing them with fresh, undamaged cells. The skin in the treated area gradually appears clearer, younger and healthier.

BBL HERO treatment can be used to treat sunspots, age spots, redness, dull-looking skin and other visible signs of aging virtually anywhere else on your body. It is frequently used to rejuvenate the arms, legs, chest and shoulders.
BBL HERO Treatment Details
Our patients tolerate BBL HERO treatment very well. A full-body treatment takes only minutes and usually does not require anesthetic numbing cream.
During your treatment session, the BBL handpiece is passed over the target areas. You will feel a warming sensation with each flash of light. The Sciton BBL handpiece incorporates a cooling plate that keeps the surface of your skin comfortable throughout treatment and does not require a numbing cream. Each body part takes only minutes to treat.
Right after treatment, the pigmented or vascular lesions will darken, confirming that the light reached its intended target.
No downtime is required after treatment. You can immediately resume your normal routine, as long as you stay out of direct sun exposure. When going outside, apply sunscreen liberally.
Dr. Schwartz will create a custom treatment plan tailored to your unique concerns. Most patients require two treatments to achieve their desired aesthetic outcomes. Expect to see initial results within two to four weeks of your treatment.
Forever Young BBL

Forever Body BBL

Are You a Candidate for BBL HERO Treatment?
The best candidates for the BBL HERO treatment have light to medium skin tones and are in good health. Tanning outdoors and in tanning salons must be avoided in the weeks prior to your treatment. During a personal consultation, Dr. Schwartz will review your personal goals to assess whether BBL HERO is the right treatment for your needs. He can answer any questions you have about the technology and explain what to expect during and after your treatment.
Learn More about BBL HERO treatment
Schedule a consultation with Dr. Mark H. Schwartz or to find out more about our BBL HERO treatment.