The Skinny On Fat Transfer

Facial fat transfers in Manhattan, NY

Fat transfer techniques have improved greatly in recent years, and your own unwanted fat can be used to improve a variety of facial cosmetic concerns, including wrinkles and loss of volume. The advantages of using fat instead of injectable fillers include longer-lasting results as well as visible improvement in the “donor” sites as well as the “target” sites. Fat transfer can be used alone or in conjunction with other procedures such as facelifts to achieve the optimal outcomes.

New York City plastic surgeon Dr. Mark Schwartz begins all facial fat transfer procedures by removing unwanted fat from one area of the body (usually the abdomen, hips, thighs or back) via liposuction, and this can often be performed with a local anesthetic since only a small volume of fat is required to address facial concerns. The fat is then processed to isolate the components that will be transferred to the “target” areas, which can include the mid-face, cheeks, eye area, lips and along the jawline. This all-natural filler can also be used to restore age-related loss of fullness in the mid-face and temples and to improve the appearance of scars and under-eye hollows. Dr. Schwartz often uses fat transfer in conjunction with facelift surgery to restore youthful volume and provide more comprehensive rejuvenation.

Facial rejuvenation with fat transfer generally takes about one hour and only requires local anesthesia or possibly with light sedation.  Minor discomfort, swelling and bruising can be seen in both the “donor” and “target” sites for up to one week, however these usually improve within seven to 10 days. Incisions in the “donor” areas are closed with a minimal number of sutures. Any visible side effects of fat transfer to the face resolve within two weeks and patients can feel free to return to their usual social schedule with a rejuvenated facial appearance.

Interested in learning more about fat transfer to improve fine lines, wrinkles, volume loss and other visible signs of aging? Contact New York City plastic surgeon, Dr. Mark Schwartz, at 212.737.9090 or